Hail Iranian President and his Anti-Prohibition Stance ! Support Iran’s Right to Maintain its Traditional Mass Entertainment Weapons !
What’s Cooking? This: Iran's Cafe Owners Demand Hookah Rights: "Dozens of cafe owners have staged a demonstration in front of the Iranian parliament (Majlis) to protest against a ban on their activities" to sell hookah to their customers, the report said. The demonstrators, who were from the Iran's central city of Isfahan [OBSERVATORY: Best world tobacco there !], said that their cafes had been closed by authorities despite an official order by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that they could be reopened […]”
(full wire via Xinhua Chinese Press Agency Dec 4, 2008, here). So What ? A song for President Ahmadinejad:
- “Only You Can make All This Unfair World seem right !
- Only You Can Make the Prohibition Darkness Bright !
- Only You and You Alone
- Can Thrill Us Like you Do !” [comparison with Bush fully irrelevant, Joe !]
Sorry, we haven't got the Persian/Farsi lyrics. Watch 'n' list'n the original English song by The Platters HERE
Images (from left to right):
1. President Ahmadinejad, the hope of billions of Anti-Prohibitionists around the world.
2. The WHO (World Health Organization) “Smoke-free inside” Agenda: “Create and Enjoy” ? Really ? Can’t you see there's left no single spot on Earth for smoking ? This is hygienist Hell ! Send smokers to the Red Planet ? Is this what they eventually aim at ? This is totalitarism, globalinktarism ! This is a prison on the Globe scale. No Pasaran !
3. The WHO social formatting (minds and bodies) convention
4. The Platters
- Non-smokers, cigarette and hookah smokers, owners of hookah lounges of the world, Unite ! Stand up against the “Passive Smoking” Fraud in the name of which hypocritical ordinances are voted against social gatherings !
Go to the Presidency of Iran’s official site , congratulate the president and politely suggest that his country withdraw as soon as possible from the WHO FCTC (World Health Organization /Social Formatting and Liberty Killing Convention for Global Tobacco Kontrol).
Welcome President Ahmadinejad in Brussels for the 1st World Conference Against Prohibition: "Smoking Bans and Lies" (Brussels, European Parliament Building, 27/28 January, 2009) !
EXPLOSIVE WORLD PREMIERE: Joint Egypt-Saudi-French Nuclear Study Establishes Hazards of Iran Mass Entertainment Weapon (Hookah Smoking)
Bury the Peace Pipe and Dig it Up Again: Iran Between US Prohibitionism and National Sovereignty, Freedom, Dignity and Persian Art de Vivre
Syria, Iran and the Threat Posed by Hookah Smoking to the Free Civilized World
Hookah Bars in Paris Fight Smoking ban. Abdelkader El-Ahmer, Owner of Houara Lounge, Is a World Hero in Tobacco Prohibition Times
YOU ARE NOT ON THE HOME PAGE of the OBSERVATORY on HOOKAH OR HEALTH (Narghile, "Waterpipe"™, Health, Risks, Dangers, Diseases, Tar, Nicotine, Cancer). CLICK HERE to go there !
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