Recent Book by French Scholar Pr DAUTZENBERG and French Journalist J.-Y. NAU Would be Intellectual Piracy According to Specialist
Independent Researcher (our friend) in this field confirmed that Pr Bertrand DAUTZENBERG and Jean-Yves NAU's book ("Tout ce que vous ne savez pas sur la chicha"), respectively Chairman of OFT (Office Français du Tabagisme) and columnist in Le Monde daily newspaper, have actually pirated (or plagiarized according to existing definitions) his own writings and publications (including materials censored by them, themselves).
[Added March 2009: IN A HURRY ? Have a look at the First Comparative Table HERE )]
NOTE: The book was actually prepared by a crowd of experts. Just to mention a few of them, it is said that the OFT’s team members [free transl.]: particularly Joseph Osman, Pascale Sommera, Maria Oelchanidis and Lalla Traore, have been major actors in the «chicha» (shisha, narghile, hookah) project… (pages VII et VIII)
The book would be libellous to the highest point (as far as the dignity of the researcher is concerned) and full of very serious scientific errors (e.g., page 30-31: Shish-Kebab is taken for Shisha... When will the turn of Sushis come ?... tables with wrong figures, etc.). It wouldn't be clear, also, whether or not its authors actually call for an open political conflict with the owners of hookah lounges and hookah users in France. Also, these "experts" warn that "The great risk is that shisha, progressively, take the place of cigarettes" (page 58 of their book. A sentence put in bold characters by the authors themselves)... A "great risk" for whom... ?
Same source said the scientist has prepared a 20 page document, is presently demanding redress and the withdrawal of the book from all bookshops. He has also written to the Home Office Secretary and to the Public Health Minister. See HERE
Picture: courtesy of the University of New South Wales
Related story: «Tout ce que vous ne savez pas sur la chicha» (Bertrand DAUTZENBERG et Jean-Yves NAU)
NOTE (about the No-Carbon Monoxide Hookah (narghile, shisha), called SHISH'ART in the market). We have to say a few words about it because it is behind all the recent attacks against our friend . So let's remind everybody that he worked with enthusiam on the prototype. He left the (certainly commercial but, above all, harm reduction-oriented) project before the product was commercialised. So, let's make it clear for everybody: he signed away his rights (official relinquishment) related to the patent on June 15, 2005.
The French "experts de la chicha", who insist a lot on CO (Carbon Monoxide) intoxication, actually describe this device in their book (page 11). However, they conclude that there is no evidence that it would be safer than any other charcoal-fuelled shisha", keeping strangely silent on the CO levels they have measured, for sure.... Is this science ? MORE DETAILS HERE
OH LA LA, LA FRANCE ............! Chaud Crâne Kamal !
YOU ARE NOT ON THE HOME PAGE of the OBSERVATORY on HOOKAH and HEALTH (Narghile, "Waterpipe", Health, Risks, Dangers, Diseases, Tar, Nicotine, Cancer). CLICK HERE to go there !
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