In Rare Historic Video Interview, Prominent Public Health Scholar in France Smokes Out Truth and Nothing But Truth about Tobacco & “Second-hand Smoke"
Original post in French (French side of the Observatory on Hookah and Health):
“Toute la vérité, rien que la vérité” sur le tabac et le «tabagisme passif». Le courage multidisciplinaire et indiscipliné d’un savant hors du commun
>> (automatic) English translation: PRESS HEREThis scholar is also behind a recent public call (advertized in our columns): Two Prominent Public Health Scholars on Alcohol & Tobacco Policies Warn: Moral Hygienism, State Puritanism or Industrial Lobbies ?
Notably, this scientist is also the founder of the first learned society for the scientific study of tobacco and addiction (“tobaccology”) (President 1982-2004).
Bravely, he has published a critique of the European expert report on environmental tobacco smoke titled « Lifting the smokescreen, 10 reasons for a smokefree Europe », noting, in particular, that out of the 5863 deaths "caused" by «second-hand smoke » (according to the report), 1114 are related to non-smokers…"
His motto: "1000 morts sont 1000 de trop." “La vérité sur le sur le tabagisme passif devrait suffire”.
French original : check out copy on Pénombre (how figures shape society)
>> (automatic) English translation: PRESS HERE
Verbatim transcription of the original (French) interview
English Human translation of the verbatim transcription (English)
performed free of charge, "for the cause", by Iro CYR at
Oh la la, la France encore ! Exhale now...
Image (left, top): Fairy Nicotine, by Louis-Philippe Hébert, 1902. Laiton patiné, 47 × 21 × 13 cm. Collection : Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, 99.352. Photograph: Patrick Altman. Also on cover of book: Catherine FERLAND (Ed.): Tabac & Fumées. Regards multidisciplinaires et indisciplinés sur l’histoire du tabagisme, XVe-XXe siècle, Québec, Presses de l’Université de Laval (coll. Intercultures), 2007.
Image (left, bottom) : The Truth climbing out of the well with a whip in her hand to castigate mankind (Jean-Léon Gérôme, XIXth Century). Courtesy of: Dompteur de fauves
Image (right): The "Nicotine Addiction" (Surgeon General, 1988) dogma which has paralysed tobacco research for two decades now.
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